Is Pain Affecting Your Ability to Enjoy Golf?

If you’d like to play golf with less pain, take advantage of this valuable limited-time offer!

(Expires 1/06/2021)

The numbness in my thumb is gone. My neck feels a lot better, and it no longer hurts to turn my head while lining up my shots.
— Michael C. (Sunset Hills)

Pain, muscle spasm, and tightness won’t just impact your golf swing. These symptoms can also disrupt your ability to enjoy the game itself.

A common trend that I’ve noticed amongst golfers is a type of spinal imbalance that contributes to swing faults. More importantly, it leads to symptoms that can reduce your time on the course.


  • Headaches or neck pain

  • Limited motion from side to side

  • Numbness or tingling in the hands

  • Tightness in the torso, shoulders, and hips.

  • Poor posture, irregular balance

  • Diminished coordination

If any of these impact your ability to enjoy golf, I can help.

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Start Playing More Golf With Less Pain
